artist-triangularist Alexander ZARYANIN
the OLD triangular paintings

The dishes

triangular picture: The dishes
technique: oil on triangular canvas
creation year: 1997

triangular picture:
Three flowers
technique: oil on triangular canvas
creation year: 1997
three flowers

triangular picture:
technique: oil on triangular canvas
creation year: 2002

triangular picture: Triangular naturlife
technique: oil on triangular canvas
creation year: 1997
Triangular naturlife

wooden venus

triangular picture: Wooden Aphrodite
technique: oil on triangular canvas
creation year: 1999

triangular picture: Seven breads
technique: oil on triangular canvas
creation year: 2001
Seven breads

triangular picture:TriEye
technique: oil on triangular canvas
creation year: 2002

copyright © Alexander ZARYANIN, 1996 - 2002